Customer Object
The Customer is a primary record type in Order Time.
End Point
GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32.
Merging two Customers via API (comming soon)
POST: E.g /customer/Merge?customerIdToMerge=3&targetCustomerId=5&mergeAddresses-true.
- The paramater customerIdToMerge is the Id of the Customer (Int32) that you want to delete.
- targetCustomerId s the Id of the Customer (Int32) that you want to keep.
- mergeAddresses is a boolean. True means you want to keep the addresses of the customer that will be deleted.
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required |
AccountNumber | Account # | String (99) | False |
CompanyName | Company | String (50) | False |
Name | Name | String (50) | True |
Parent | Sub of | String (50) | False |
TaxRegistrationNumber | Tax Reg. No. | String (50) | False |
Website | Website | String (50) | False |
CreditCardAddress | Credit Card Address | String (41) | False |
CreditCardName | Name on Card | String (41) | False |
Note | Note | String (4000) | False |
ShippingInstructions | Shipping Instructions | String (4000) | False |
CreditCardNo | Credit Card No. | String (200) | False |
SalesTaxCertificate | Resell Number | String (15) | False |
CreditCardZip | Credit Card Zip/Postal | String (13) | False |
InvoiceSendMethod | Invoice Send Method | SendMethodEnum | False |
PrimaryContact | Primary Contact | Person | False |
Id | Id | Int32 | False |
ExpMonth | Expire Month | Int16 | False |
ExpYear | ExpYear | Int16 | False |
ARAccountRef | A/R Account | EntityRef | False |
ClassRef | Class | EntityRef | False |
CurrencyRef | Currency | EntityRef | False |
DiscountRef | Discount | EntityRef | False |
FOBRef | FOB | EntityRef | False |
ItemSalesTaxRef | Tax Item | EntityRef | False |
PaymentMethodRef | Payment Method | EntityRef | False |
PriceLevelRef | Price Level | EntityRef | False |
ProxyRef | Proxy | EntityRef | False |
SalesRepRef | Sales Rep | EntityRef | False |
SalesTaxCodeRef | Tax Code | EntityRef | False |
ShipMethodRef | Ship Method | EntityRef | False |
TermRef | Terms | EntityRef | False |
TypeRef | Type | EntityRef | False |
CreditLimit | Credit Limit | Decimal | False |
IsActive | Active | Boolean | False |
OnCreditHold | Hold Orders | Boolean | False |
AllowShipPartial | Allow Ship Partial | AllowShipPartialEnum | False |
BillAddress | Bill Address | Address | False |
PrimaryShipAddress | Primary Ship Address | Address | False |
CustomFields | Custom Fields | Array of CustomFieldData | False |
CreditCardNo will not be returned on any GET requests.
Json Sample
{ Id: 1947, Name: "Peter Pan LLC", IsActive: true, CompanyName: "Peter Pan LLC", PrimaryContact: { Salutation:"Mr." , FirstName: "Aaron", MiddleName:"H" , LastName: "Rogers" }, BillAddress: { Name: "Default", Addr1: "Peter Pan LLC", Addr2: "45 Hart St", Addr3: "Suite 5", Addr4:"" , City: "NY", State: "NY", Zip: "00250", Email: "", }, PrimaryShipAddress: { Name: "Default", Addr1: "Peter Pan LLC", Addr2: "45 Hart St", Addr3: "Suite 5", City: "NY", State: "NY", Zip: "00250", Email: "" }, SalesTaxCodeRef: { Id: 3, Name: "Non" }, CustomFields: [ { Name: "CustomerCust1", Value: 8798, }, { Name: "CustomerCust2", Value: true, } ] }