Refund Object
Refund are applied to either a Payment or Customer Return. Generally a payment is taken on a sales order. There are 2 scenarios
- You never shipped the order, then you should apply the refund to the payment then change the status on the sales order to Void.
- You shipped the order (ship doc created) or you applied the payment directly to the ship doc a) create a customer return and b) apply the refund to the customer return (not the payment).
End Point
GET and DELETE require parameter id, being the refund's ID.
Properties - Refund
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required |
CustomerRef | Customer | EntityRef | True |
PaymentMethodRef | Payment Method | EntityRef | True |
Date | Date | DateTime | True |
Amount | Amount | Decimal | True |
AccountRef | Account | EntityRef | False |
RefNumber | Ref Number | String (50) | False |
CurrencyRef | Currency | EntityRef | False |
ExchangeRate | Exchange Rate | Decimal | False |
ApprovalCode | Approval Code | String (50) | False |
Memo | Memo | String (4000) | False |
AppliedTo | Applied To | Array of CustomerLedgerApplied | True |
Properties - CustomerLedgerApplied
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required |
AppliedAmount | Applied | Decimal | True |
ToDocNo | Doc No | Int32 | True |
ToTranType | Tran Type | RecordTypeEnum | True |
Json Sample
{ { "Date": "2019-08-22", "PaymentMethodRef": { "Id": 2, "Name": "Cash" }, "Amount": 44.00, "AccountRef": null, "RefNumber": "REF 02", "CustomerRef": { "Id": 2 }, "ExchangeRate": 1.0, "CurrencyRef": null, "Memo": "", "AppliedTo": [ { "AppliedAmount": 44.0000, "ToDocNo": 108, "ToTranType": 660 } ] }