Location Object
The Location is a primary record type in Order Time.
End Point
GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32.
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required |
Name | Name | String (50) | True |
Id | Id | Int32 | False |
Addr1 | Name/Company | String (50) | False |
Addr2 | Street | String (50) | False |
Addr3 | Floor/Suite | String (50) | False |
City | State/Prov./Reg | String (50) | False |
State | State/Prov./Reg | String (50) | False |
Zip | Zip/Postal code | String (50) | False |
Country | Country | String (50) | False |
IsAvailable | Available | Boolean | True |
IsActive | Active | Boolean | True |
CustomFields | Custom Fields | Array of CustomFieldData | False |
Note | Note | String(4000) | False |
CreditCardNo will not be returned on any GET requests.
Json Sample
{ Id: 10, Name: "HQ", IsActive: true, IsAvailable: true, Addr1: "Peter Pan LLC", Addr2: "45 Hart St", Addr3: "Suite 5", City: "NY", State: "NY", Zip: "00250", Country: "US", Note: "", CustomFields: [ { Name: "LocCust1", Value: "Custom field value", } ] }