Sales Order Object
Sales Order is a transaction involved in the sales cycle. Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Sales Order) and one or more Line Items (SalesOrderLineItem).
End Point
GET and DELETE requests expect parameter docNo of type Int32.
Properties - Sales Order
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required | Can Update with PUT |
CustomerRef | Customer | EntityRef | True | False |
ShipToRef | Ship To | EntityRef | True | True |
DocNo | No. | Int32 | False | False |
CustomerPO | Customer PO | String (25) | False | True |
Date | Date | DateTime | True | True |
PromiseDate | Promise Date | DateTime | True | True |
StatusRef | Status | EntityRef | False | True |
ClassRef | Class | EntityRef | False | True |
ContactRef | Contact | EntityRef | False | True |
CurrencyRef | Currency | EntityRef | False | True |
FOB | FOB | String (50) | False | True |
InternalNotes | Internal Notes | String (4000) | False | True |
Memo | Memo | String (4000) | False | True |
ShippingInstructions | Shipping Instructions | String (4000) | False | True |
LocationRef | Location | EntityRef | False | True |
ItemSalesTaxRef | Sales Tax | EntityRef | False | True |
DiscountRef | Discount | EntityRef | False | True |
DiscountAmount | Discount Amount | Decimal | False | True |
DiscountSalesTaxCodeRef | Discount Tax Code | EntityRef | False | True |
AdditionalFeeItemRef | Additional Fee Item | EntityRef | False | True |
AdditionalFeeSalesTaxCodeRef | Additional Fee Tax Code | EntityRef | False | True |
AdditionalFeeAmount | Additional Fee Amount | Decimal | False | True |
ShipMethodRef | Shipping Method | EntityRef | False | True |
ShipAmount | Shipping Amount | Decimal | False | True |
ShipSalesTaxCodeRef | Shipping Tax Code | EntityRef | False | True |
SalesRepRef | Sales Rep | EntityRef | False | True |
TermRef | Terms | EntityRef | False | True |
ExchangeRate | Exchange Rate | Decimal | False | True |
BillAddress | Bill Address | CustomerAddress | False | True |
ShipAddress | Ship Address | CustomerAddress | False | True |
AllowShipPartial | Allow Ship Partial | Boolean | True | True |
LineItems | Items | Array of SalesOrderLineItem | False | False |
CustomFields | Custom Fields | Array of CustomFieldData | False | True |
Properties - Sales Order Line Item
Property | Caption | Data Type | Required | Read Only |
$type | This property MUST be included to tell the API what type of item is being added. The value should be "AOLib7.SalesOrderLineItem, AOLib7" | |||
Id | Id | Int32 | False | True |
LineNo | Line No | Int16 | False | True |
ItemRef | Item | EntityRef | True | False |
Description | Description | String (4000) | False | False |
LineInstructions | Line Instructions | String (4000) | False | False |
SalesTaxCodeRef | Tax Code | EntityRef | False | False |
UomRef | UOM | EntityRef | False | False |
UomConversionRate | UOM Conversion Rate | Decimal | False | False |
Price | Price | Decimal | True | False |
Quantity | Quantity | Decimal | True | False |
StdCost | Std. Cost | Decimal | False | True |
StdPrice | Std. Price | Decimal | False | True |
CustomerPartNo | Customer Part No | String (50) | False | False |
CustomFields | Custom Fields | Array of CustomFieldData | False | False |
Json Sample
In order to create a sales order all you really need is the CustomerRef. To add Line items, all you need is the ItemRef, Quantity and Price. Order Time will fill in default customer and item information automatically. Only include additional properties if you want to override the defaults. Here are some other rules:
- In order to override the exchange rate, you must also include a CurrencyRef
- In order to apply a discount, you must also include a DiscountRef
- In order to apply shipping, you must also include a ShipMethodRef
- In order to override the Unit of Measure conversion rate, you must also include a UomRef.
{ "CustomerRef": { "Id": 21, "Name": "Basket Case" }, "ShipToRef": { "Id": 2, "Name": "Store 56" }, "Date": "2018-10-21T00:00:00", "PromiseDate": "2018-10-21T00:00:00", "ShipAddress": { "Addr1": "Basket Case", "Addr2": "764 Harrison St", "Addr3": "", "Addr4": "", "City": "San Francisco", "State": "CA", "Zip": "94107", "Country": "USA", "Contact": " ", "AltContact": "", "Phone": "1025556665", "AltPhone": "1015553001", "Fax": "", "Email": "", "Website": "", "UpdateCustomerRecord": false }, "ShippingInstructions": "Knock on the back door", "CustomerPO": "6T56-97", "LineItems": [ { "$type": "AOLib7.SalesOrderLineItem, AOLib7", "ItemRef": { "Id": 37, "Name": "TSS - Grey - SN" }, "Description": "Company Branded T-Shirt Large GREY Check out our website for other offers!", "Price": 42, "SalesTaxCodeRef": { "Id": 12, "Name": "Non" }, "Quantity": 12, "CustomFields": [ { "Name": "SOICust1", "Value": "Valve", "Caption": "H Code" } ] }, { "$type": "AOLib7.SalesOrderLineItem, AOLib7", "ItemRef": { "Id": 37, "Name": "TSS - Grey - FSN" }, "Description": "Company Branded T-Shirt XLarge GREY Check out our website for other offers!", "Price": 42.5, "SalesTaxCodeRef": { "Id": 12, "Name": "Non" }, "Quantity": 6, "CustomFields": [ { "Name": "SOICust1", "Value": "Dry", "Caption": "H Code" } ] } ], "ShipAmount": 15.00, "ShipMethodRef": { "Id": 12, "Name": "UPS" },, "ShipSalesTaxCodeRef":{ "Id": 2, "Name": "Non" }, "StatusRef": { "Id": 8, "Name": "Processing" }, "CustomFields": [ { "Name": "SOCust1", "Value": "2018-10-24T00:00:00", "Caption": "GTD" } ] }