Shopify API Update 3/31/2023


Shopify is dedicated to making commerce better and ensuring security for both merchants and developers. Due to the rising concerns of data breaches and fraud, Shopify is implementing updated requirements for apps that handle customer personal data.

The new requirements focus on data minimization, ensuring that developers only request the minimum amount of data needed for their apps to function. With the 2022-10 API release, customer personal data will be redacted by default, and developers will need to apply for access to such data as needed.

Our Resolution

Existing apps (such as Order Time) must migrate to API version 2022-10 by July 1st, 2023. Shopify will limit data access to only the required resources and fields, with protected customer data and fields requiring individual configuration and approval.

We want to assure our Order Time Inventory customers that they are completely covered. We have already updated our connection to Shopify API version 2022-10, and this conversion has been handled seamlessly on the backend of Order Time. As a result, our customers will not experience any disruptions or changes in their experience using our platform.

If you want to read more about these changes, check out this article from Shopify — New Requirements for Shopify Apps that Use Customer Personal Data

As always, if you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to us at