Under Item preference, you will be able to dictate various aspects of item usage.
The Items preference contains several options of how the Item will be used within your organization. Special attention should be given to each of these options for they have major consequences for your items.
The Items Section allows you to modify the following:
- Number of records to show when searching an item in a document
- Allow editing of an Item's properties inherited from its Item Group (Accounts and UOM). NOTE: When this preference is unchecked, changes made to the item group are applied to its items automatically.
- Update an Item's accounts when changing its Item Group. This will allow you to change the accounts of the Item groups when moving them from one Group to another.
- The 'Next Item No.' button looks at the last item created. Uncheck to look at the last alpha-numeric sequence number.
- By default new items being created will have Lot/Serial # tracking turned on
- Allow Duplicate UPCs
- Enable multiple units of measures This will allow you to use the UOM Sets that you set up and assign them to the items.
- Enable kit rules. This will allow you to restrict kit options depending on what is previously selected in the Kit.
- Allow style variants to be edited individually. By default style variants cannot only be edited through the style.
- Allow style variants to be added to orders individually. By default styles are added a group to an order through the style
- Include Non Inventory and Service items in Reorder Analysis
- Kit Selection prices must be the same as its item's price
Click Save when done.