Drill Down a Work Order

The Drill Down feature in Order Time is used to create work orders for components in a work order that are also bill of materials. This Bill of Materials structure is called an 'Indented BOM'. Consider the example of a computer which is comprised of several 'sub-assemblies' like Mother Board. Each one of the sub-assemblies need to be built before the final assembly (the computer can be completed). The Drill Down feature makes it easy to create work orders for your sub-assemblies.


In the case of a mult-level Bill of Materials. Drill Down will automatically create the chain of work orders for the top level item's sub-assemblies. All work orders that are part of the chain will have the same Drill Down Ref which will be the Work Order Number of the top level item. You can filter the work order list by Drill Down Ref to view only the work orders in the drill down chain.

By using the Drill Down feature you can now link multiple work orders with one initial work order.