Record Types

Record Types

A Record Type defines the nature of a record. Customers and Sales Orders are examples of Record Types. Each Record Type has one or more Properties,  also known as Fields. Properties will generally be things such as numbers or text but may also be another record type. All Entities have an Id.

Record Types are divided into Entities and Transactions. A Customer is an Entity while a Sales order is a Transaction. Generally we use Entities to create Transactions and other Entities. For example, Terms is a Profile List entity that is used in Customer and Sales Order. 

There may be a parent-child relationship between two Record Types. For example, a single customer may have one or more contacts; therefore, the Customer is the Parent and the Contact is the Child. 

Each Record Type view is fully customizable by utilizing the Filter List pop-up menu. The available filter options are dependent on the record type and its properties.

In summary Entities can be defined as a:

  • Major Entity that describes a person, object or place. This includes, among others, customers, leads, items and locations. You access these Major Entities through the Full List drop-down. 
  • Child Entity that describes a single to many relationships between parent and child relationships. For example, contacts, addresses and attachments on the Customer screen. 
  • Profile List are helper entities used in Major entities or Transactions


A Transaction describes something that is happening with one or more Items. For example, items that are being bought, sold or used in production. A Transaction can be either posting or non posting. When you post a transaction, your inventory gets affected. All transactions have TranType, DocNo and Date properties.