Log In Error: xFi Advanced Security for Comcast

Troubleshooting Issue: Issues Logging in with Comcast Xfinity

For users having trouble logging in, or if you see a page like this:

xfi error


You can either click to Proceed Anyway each time OR try disabling your advanced security settings from Comcast by following the instructions below.

Disabling xFi Advanced Security

Comcast xFi Advanced Security

  1. Log into your Comcast Xfinity account by using this link.
  2. Click on My Services.
  3. Change the xFi Advanced Security to Disable.
  4. Once you finish doing this, proceed to app.ordertime.com to log in.

Report Order Time as Safe

If you are having this issue please visit: https://spa.xfinity.com/report

Select "I can't reach a website that I want to go to"  and enter app.ordertime.com as the URL.


As always, if you require assistance email us at support@ordertime.com