API Overview


Order Time REST API Updated
REST API Overview
Getting the API Key
Creating New API Keys and Deactivating Old API Keys within Order Time Inventory
Enums RecordTypeEnum DataTypeEnum FilterOpEnum DateMacroEnum SortDirEnum SendMethodEnum AllowShipPartialEnum PriorityEnum ActionTypeEnum RecordTypeEnum Caption Value Adjustment 1 Receiver 2 Work Order...
Basic Object Types
Basic Object Types ValidationResult EntityRef ListInfo FilterField SortField CustomFieldData Person Address Doc LineItem ValidationResult Property Data Type Description ProperyName String The name of the ...
Working with Entity Refs and Lists
Entity Ref The end points below use POST and PUT but they do not change any data .   They act like GET endpoints.  The reason we use POST and PUT is to allow for passing an object as a parameter.  Many data objects have properties with a ...
Entities and Transactions
In general, entities are records used in transactions .    For example, Part Item and Customer are both entities that are used in the Sales Order transaction.    Whereas entities have a flat structure,  transactions will have at least a Doc and...
Order Time can send you notifications of Alerts through an   end point that you host.      Here are the conditions of the web hook end point Type: POST HTTPS (NO HTTP) Basic Auth (Username and Password) When an alert is triggered from Order...
Custom Field Definition
Custom field definition Each Record Type has a list of custom fields .   You may need their definitions in order to properly populate your entities and transactions.   End Point /customdielddefinition GET GET requests expect parameter of typ...