

Production Cycle
Overview Production is the process of combining raw materials or components and labor in order to manufacture, assemble or otherwise produce a finished product. The key here is that whole is greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that the end r...
Kit vs Assembly Items
Kits vs Assembly Items vs Assemblies with a Configurable BoM - Important definitions for Inventory Control
Assemblies and Creating a Bill of Materials
As mentioned, a kit is different than an assembly in that the Kit itself is not an item, whereas the assembly is an item. But what if you want to allow the components of the bill of materials to change at the order time? For example, a make-to-order computer manufacturer may want to give a customer a choice of hard drives. This is where the configurable bill of materials is used.
Create a Bill of Materials: In Depth
Overview Work orders are internal documents that specify the finished goods that need to be produced as well as the components required to produce them. You must first create one or assembly type items before creating work orders. Typically, an a...
Creating a Configurable Bill of Materials
Overview An Assembly is taking two or more items and combining them to create a new item. Creating a configurable bill of materials (BOM) is essential in modern manufacturing, it supports make-to-order production strategies by allowing quick ad...
Generate a Work Order
Overview A W ork Order is a task or a job for a customer, that can be scheduled or assigned to someone. Such an order may be from a customer request or created internally within the organization.  A W ork Order may be for products or s...
Tracking Work Orders
Overview Tracking your Work Order is an essential part of your business model. Timing and production levels can be easily tracked in the system. Functions are available to view your production Work Orders Promise Date, Status, Instructions, etc. Th...
Creating a Sales Order with a Linked PO & Linked WO
How to create a Sales Order with either a Linked Purchase Order or a Linked Work Order.
Using Quick Build for Work Orders from a Sales Order
How to use the Quick Build production feature from a Sales Order in Order Time Inventory.
Creating Work Orders for Multiple Sales Orders
Creating a New Disassembly
Overview  In any production environment, particularly for for-stock manufacturers, job shops, and custom-build retailers, occasionally you will have an order cancellation or return that will necessitate breaking an Item back down into its base...
Enable Split, Drill Down, Flatten Features on a Work Order
New abilities within the Production tab in Order Time. Check these settings to allow new features in your Work Orders. You can now Flatten, Split, or Drill-Down a Work Order.
Drill Down a Work Order
The Drill Down feature makes it easy to create work orders for your sub-assemblies. It is very helpful for multi-level Bill of Materials.
Splitting a Work Order
If you have already completed at least one assembly, you can split off the remaining unfinished assemblies into a new Work Order so that you can bill for the ones you've already produced.
Work Orders - Reload BOM
On Works Orders there is a Reload BOM button. This Button is a quick and easy way to update existing Work Orders after you've made changes to the corresponding BOM.
How to Create Production Orders
Creating a production order in Order Time Inventory. You can assemble and then disassemble with ease using multiple Bills of Material.
Quick BOM Report
Assembly Items added to Quotes or Sales Orders have an option to view the Quick BOM Report which will show the Components and their basic Inventory Statuses.
Creating a Reorder Analysis for Production
The Production Reorder Analysis is a tool in Order Time that analyzes data and aggregates all the unfilled Assembly Items from Approved SOs within the Time horizon selected allowing you to create a single combined work order for items that exist on multiple Sales Orders. Depending on your business requirements, running a Reorder Analysis can be periodically or every day.
Handling the Costs of Goods Sold account. How certain conditions may impact behavior and WO components
From time to time you may see various small bill amounts in Cost of Goods Sold or Inventory Asset relating to an NC Internal Bill. KEEP IN MIND THAT ORDER TIME ONLY SENDS THE COST TO QB BUT DOES NOT HANDLE IT. In addition, KEEP IN MIND that Order Ti...