New Articles

  1. Company Preferences Overview

    Overview The Company Preferences under the Admin function allows you to set up specific settings that will effect functions for each of your software commands. Setting Up Company Preferences The Company Preference page is broken up into section...
  2. Video - Getting Started with Order Time

    This video tutorial will guide you on where to get started with Order Time. It will go over Company Settings and show you how to start navigating through the sections available.
  3. Accounting Sync Queue

    The Sync Queue holds Pending Syncs Requests (PSR) which are a reference to records that will be synchronized. You can filter and sort the Sync Queue like any other list in Order Time. When a new Sync Job is created, the records in the Sync Que...
  4. Data Integration

    The following table shows the data that is shared with Order Time when it syncs with your accounting system. Entities are synced directionally, meaning that changes can be made in either program. Transactions, other than payments, are one-way. Thi...
  5. Mapping Accounting Fields to Order Time Fields

    Overview Order Time enables you to map its fields to your accounting fields. The ability to map fields will depend on your accounting system. For example, QuickBooks Desktop has item, customer and invoice custom fields that can be mapped while Quic...
  6. Accounting Integration Settings

    Overview Accounting Integration Settings is where you configure how you want Order Time to integrate with your accounting system. Order Time integrates with QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online and XERO.  QuickBooks Desktop Integration ...
  7. Accounting Integration Overview

    Order Time offers efficiency by integrating with your accounting system. With accounting integration, transactions can be automatically posted avoiding duplicate effort and transposition errors.  Before you set up your Accounting Integration y...
  8. Designing - Form Template

    Designing a form template in Order Time Inventory
  9. Editor - Page Layouts

    Overview In the Edit Editor Page you will find the Container Sections  and Tab Container Sections that will allow you to modify the information you see when you are adding or editing existing Entities and/or Transactions.  This is an...
  10. Details - Page Layouts

    This article will guide you through the various options available for setting up your Details screens exactly the way you want. In the Edit Details Page you will find the Container Sections and Tab Container Sections that will allow you to modi...