New Articles

  1. Overview - Form Template

    Order Time offers options for customizing the Forms Templates that are used in different transactions. This will allow you to email and/or print the Forms out for your customers with the information that suits your needs.  This article will gu...
  2. Overview - Page Layouts

    Overview Order Time offers options for customizing the look and feel of screens used throughout the system. Handy for streamlining data entry by having the order in which the fields are shown match the order in which data is entered. Hide fields th...
  3. Registration

    Registration is the first step in setting up Order Time.  Navigate to the Order Time Registration Page .  Complete the information on the registration page and click Register . Check your email for a confirmation email and click the ...
  4. Converting from All Orders

    Existing All Orders users can easily convert their database to Order Time with a few easy steps.   Keep in mind that All Orders is almost 20 years in the making while Order Time is new so there will be a few things that will not be in Order T...
  5. Alarms and Reminders

    Overview We all forget from time to time.  Not to worry though, in Order Time you can set Alarms for both Tasks and Events which will Remind your users as the time approaches.   Alarms An Alarm is a time span that you set on activity ...
  6. Tasks

    Overview A task is an activity that requires action on the part of the assignee. You can create different types of tasks for example, call and send samples . A task has two states: Open and Closed . You set the state of an activity using ...
  7. Edit Customer Address

    Complete the following steps to enter the customer information: Address Under the Address tab, enter the Primary Billing Address and Primary Shipping address.  (Remember this information will be used to create your customer database, it i...
  8. Activity Overview

    Overview An Activity is a way to document an action that will occur or has occurred by one or more of your users. For example, if you want to remind a sales rep to follow up on an order, you would create a Task for the sales rep.  All Activiti...
  9. Sales Cycle

    Overview Revenue is the lifeblood of any business. Having a well organized sales structure is imperative to success. The following flow chart shows the path of a customer order through its various stages until closure. Below we describe the colla...
  10. Company Preferences - Lot Numbers & Serial Numbers

    Lot Numbers & Serial Numbers In the Lot / Serial #s preference, you will be able to manage your Lot Numbers & Serial Numbers.