Updated Articles

  1. UOM Sets

    While the primary measure for an item dictates how it is stocked (most commonly an Each), it may need to be bought, sold or used in production with different measures.
  2. Details Page - Page Layouts

    Overview A Details page is a landing page for an Entity or Document, for example Customers  and Sales Orders  have Details pages. You can access the Details pages Using the Lists or Recent Records on the side menu. Details Page Th...
  3. Sales Order

    Sales Order Object Sales Order is a transaction involved in the sales cycle.     Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Sales Order) and one or more Line Items (SalesOrderLineItem).    End Point Prope...
  4. Editor - Page Layouts

    Overview In the Edit Editor Page you will find the Container Sections  and Tab Container Sections that will allow you to modify the information you see when you are adding or editing existing Entities and/or Transactions.  This is an...
  5. Overview - Page Layouts

    Overview Order Time offers options for customizing the look and feel of screens used throughout the system. Handy for streamlining data entry by having the order in which the fields are shown match the order in which data is entered. Hide fields th...
  6. Handling the Costs of Goods Sold account. How certain conditions may impact behavior and WO components

    From time to time you may see various small bill amounts in Cost of Goods Sold or Inventory Asset relating to an NC Internal Bill. KEEP IN MIND THAT ORDER TIME ONLY SENDS THE COST TO QB BUT DOES NOT HANDLE IT. In addition, KEEP IN MIND that Order Ti...
  7. Adding Users and Assigning Roles

    Creating a User in Order Time Inventory
  8. Sending Payment Requests & Using the Payment List

    Order Time inventory allows you to receive payments on orders and shipping documents and sync those payments into QuickBooks. It will sync all payments from QuickBooks over into Order Time as well.
  9. Configuring ACH Payment Requests in the Email Template

    Learn how to set up ACH payment requests in your email templates with this step-by-step guide.
  10. Storage Limits Within Order Time

    Question: What is the maximum size for individual attachments within Order Time? Answer: With your Order Time subscription, you enjoy the flexibility of unlimited data entry. However, it's important to note that individual attachments ...