Updated Articles

  1. Customer Returns

    Customer Returns are transactions that show what Items are shipped by Customers back to you.
  2. Managing Events and Tasks from a Details Page

    The ability to manage Activities related to a specific customer directly from the customer's Details Page.
  3. Fulfillment Batch

    Using Fulfillment Batch in Order Time
  4. Item Sales Tax - QuickBooks Online

    When you are syncing Order Time with QuickBooks Online you must manage your Item Sales Taxes in QuickBooks Online.
  5. Custom Field Definition

    Custom Field Definition Object Custom Field Definition sets up the parameters for custom fields .   End Point Properties End Point /customfielddefinition GET GET request expects parameter recordType of type Int32  (See Record...
  6.  Webinar - Order Time Mobile Updates

    Here is our latest webinar from 8/23/2023 to go over the new features in Order Time Mobile. We also announced some of the new features coming down the pipeline.
  7. Work Order API - A-Z

    Work Order API A-Z In this example we will demonstrate how to: Create a Work Order Delete a component Add a component Allocate a component Add Assembly quantity Finish a work order Create a work order Prerequisite - An existin...
  8. Order Time Mobile - Overview & Download Link

    Downloading and using Order Time Mobile on your Apple iPhone or iPad device. How to download and use it!
  9. Import Your Opening Inventory - Ultimate Guide

    Order Time is a data driven application, the first thing is to get data into Order Time Inventory. Data includes things like customers, vendors and items. There are 3 ways to get data into Order Time: Enter It Manually Import Via .CSV file ...
  10. Adding Vendor Price Levels

    How to add vendor price levels in Order Time Inventory