Updated Articles

  1.  Video - Importing Bill of Materials

    This video demonstrates how to import bill of material steps and components.
  2.  Video - Using Multiple Units of Measure

    This video describes how use multiple units of measures by setting up unit of measure sets.
  3.  Webinar - Detail Reports

    Creating detail reports in Order Time Inventory. Want an inventory count? Want to sum the total activities in your warehouse? Create a detail report to do just that!
  4.  Webinar - Custom & Calculated Fields

    Create a custom field, add calculations by creating complex inventory formulas, and add custom fields to any page or list in Order Time Inventory.
  5.  Webinar - Label Printing, Barcodes, & Templates

    Creating label templates, enabling label printing, setting up item barcodes, and the supported printers for labeling in Order Time Inventory.
  6.  Webinar - Adding Price Levels & Discounts

    Learn how to add price levels, explaining the types of price levels, adding discounts, and setting company preferences.
  7.  Webinar - Inventory Status Reports

    Learn how to quickly create Inventory Status, Inventory Valuation, and Inventory Velocity reports. Create your own filters, pivot tables and more in Order Time.
  8.  Webinar - Inventory Counts for the New Year

    Live webinar for generating a cycle count, adding or modifying inventory, and checking your available or on-hand items.
  9.  Special Edition Webinar - Order Time - FreightPrint Integration

    Our free webinar on Tuesday, August 18th at 2pm ET about one of our newest integrations with FreightPrint.
  10.  Webinar - Ace Cloud Hosting and NumberCruncher

    Our free webinar on Wednesday, November 18th at 2pm ET about our new partner, Ace Cloud Hosting.