Updated Articles

  1. Purchase Order

    Purchase Order Order Object Purchase Order is a transaction involved in the purchasing cycle.     Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Sales Order) and one or more Line Items (PurchaseOrderLineItem).    ...
  2. QuickBooks Authentication Screens - No Internet Explorer 11 Support

    Starting Aug. 1, 2020, Intuit will no longer support the Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) browser for QuickBooks Online and/or QuickBooks Authorization screens.
  3. Payment Error: Do Not Honor

    Solution to the Payment Error: Do Not Honor message when a card payment fails.
  4. Closing a Sales Order that has a Kit

    How to close a Sales Order that has Kit Items in Order Time Inventory.
  5. Using Quick Build for Work Orders from a Sales Order

    How to use the Quick Build production feature from a Sales Order in Order Time Inventory.
  6. Payment

    Payment Object Payment are payments made by your customers on account or applied to specific sales transactions.  When a payment is applied to sales transaction you would provide an array of CustomerLedgerApplied.  End Point Prope...
  7. How are payments on sales orders reflected in QuickBooks

    Order Time offers that ability to take a payment on a sales order before an Ship Doc (aka Invoice) is generated.   Order Time will post this as an un-applied payment essentially creating a liability.    When the Ship Doc ultimately ge...
  8. Language and Time Settings

    Setting the language and time & date settings in Order Time Inventory.
  9. B2B - Setting up Item Categories & Customer Categories

    Setting up Item Categories & Customer Categories for Order Time Inventory
  10. Contact

    Contact Object Contact is a Child object of Customer and Lead .   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /contact GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Properties Pr...