You have created a new custom field and you would like it to appear on your Sales Order(s) and/or Purchase Order(s).
Have you uploaded your company logo but it is not appearing on the form templates correctly?
A common issue many users come upon is receiving a error when trying to sort lists by column headers.
The cost of my BOM is not showing correctly after I made changes to the Unit of Measure for an item.
I logged in and noticed my company name on my file had changed and my items disappeared. I logged out and back in and saw the items had reappeared but noticed the company name is still changed.
Order Time now has the ability to authorize a "support login" by the administrator of your account. This article is going to explain how to authorize the support login, the purpose of the support login and how to remove the support login.
Last Updated: 12/08/2020
in Purchasing
The purpose of this article is to help explain how to best enter your purchasing costs when using foreign currencies.
Last Updated: 12/01/2020
in Production
New abilities within the Production tab in Order Time. Check these settings to allow new features in your Work Orders. You can now Flatten, Split, or Drill-Down a Work Order.
Issue I made something inactive in QuickBooks but it still shows up in Order Time. Correlation If data is made inactive directly in QuickBooks, Order Time may lose access to that now inactive data and not be able to communicate the fact that i...
Last Updated: 11/27/2020
in Admin Company Preferences
How to change your company info and add company logos to Order Time Inventory.