New Articles

  1. Video - Purchasing, Receiving & Selling Inventory

    This video describes how to create purchase orders and then receive inventory as well as creating sales orders & shipping inventory.
  2. Ship Doc

    Ship Doc Object Ship Doc is a transaction involved in the sales cycle.     Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Ship Doc) and one or more Line Items (ShipDocLineItem).  ShipDocLineItem may optionally include o...
  3. QBO Sync Error: How to know which Vendor/Customer/Item is causing a sync error using the Intuit ID.

    If you receive sync errors between Order Time and QB Online that are related to a Vendor/Customer/Item and it displays the Intuit ID such as in the example below, you can find which entity is causing the error by using that Intuit ID displayed.&nb...
  4. How to avoid creating and paying a bill twice?

    There may be times in your daily operations were you may be creating a Purchase Order in Order Time and paying for the bill prior to you receiving the items.   When you have this type of scenario you want to make sure that you are paying you...
  5. Tracking Production done by 3rd Party Vendor/Supplier

    Learn how to track outsourcing processes with Bill of Materials for Assembly Items in Order Time. Follow these steps to create locations, steps, and allocations for sending inventory to a 3rd party vendor and receiving it back when the work is completed.
  6. Version 1.0.20

    Version 1.0.20, Released October 31, 2018 - Known issues fixed and new features added as follows: Action Description Added Label Printing Added XERO Accounting Integration Added Change Status from List Added Inventory Movemen...
  7. Sales Order

    Sales Order Object Sales Order is a transaction involved in the sales cycle.     Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Sales Order) and one or more Line Items (SalesOrderLineItem).    End Point Prope...
  8. Entities and Transactions

    In general, entities are records used in transactions .    For example, Part Item and Customer are both entities that are used in the Sales Order transaction.    Whereas entities have a flat structure,  transactions will ...
  9. Production Cycle

    Overview Production is the process of combining raw materials or components and labor in order to manufacture, assemble or otherwise produce a finished product. The key here is that whole is greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that the end r...
  10. Working with Entity Refs and Lists

    Entity Ref The end points below use POST and PUT but they do not change any data .   They act like GET endpoints.  The reason we use POST and PUT is to allow for passing an object as a parameter.  Many data objects have pro...