Popular Articles

  1. Adding Users and Assigning Roles

    Creating a User in Order Time Inventory
  2. Accounting Integration Settings

    Overview Accounting Integration Settings is where you configure how you want Order Time to integrate with your accounting system. Order Time integrates with QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online and XERO.  QuickBooks Desktop Integrat...
  3. Production Cycle

    Overview Production is the process of combining raw materials or components and labor in order to manufacture, assemble or otherwise produce a finished product. The key here is that whole is greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that the end r...
  4. Locations

    Overview  Setting your warehouse location and assigning a bin location for your products is an essential function for your business.  Adding a warehouse and assigning a bin location for your products is an easy process.   Adding a New Location To...
  5. Setting Up User Roles

    Setting up User Roles and Exceptions in Order Time Inventory
  6. Quick Start Guide

    Thank you for registering for Order Time. At this point you are probably thinking, "Where do I go from here?" View our  Onboarding Checklist View our Planning to Go Live Article The first thing you need to do is upload, impor...
  7. Purchasing Cycle

    Overview Purchasing is the process of buying goods and services from a vendor or service provider. The purchasing process can differ from one organization to another, but the key is that it should be orderly and the core elements should be establis...
  8. Ship Docs Overview

    Overview Ship Docs are the ultimate sales transaction in Order Time.   It shows the items the customers purchased.  When inventory items are involved,  it is the Ship Doc that deducts inventory.      Below are the different ways to create a Ship D...
  9. Kits and Kit Config

    Kits are combining two or more items to send to a customer. The Kit itself is NOT an item.
  10. Enums

    Enums RecordTypeEnum DataTypeEnum FilterOpEnum DateMacroEnum SortDirEnum SendMethodEnum AllowShipPartialEnum PriorityEnum ActionTypeEnum RecordTypeEnum Caption Value Adjustment 1 Receiver 2 Work Order...