Popular Articles

  1. Details - Page Layouts

    This article will guide you through the various options available for setting up your Details screens exactly the way you want. In the Edit Details Page you will find the Container Sections and Tab Container Sections that will allow you to modi...
  2.  Webinar - Advanced Features of Production

    Our webinar from 5/20/2020 about the advanced features of production within Order Time Inventory. Learn how to drill down, flatten and split a work order.
  3. Custom Messages

    There is the ability to create a Shortcut to a longer custom message within Order Time. These act as snippets and can be used for internal notes or Custom Message for your customers.
  4.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Sales Orders & Picking

    Using the Sales Order List in Order Time Warehouse and Picking your Items. This creates a Ship Doc in Order Time when you are finished.
  5. Package Type

    Overview The Package Type function allows you to specify shipping dimensions for your packages.   Packages are used to line items to boxes or pallets on Ship Docs . Adding a Package Type To access the Discount settings, click on the Gear ...
  6. Importing New Sales Orders

    Importing sales orders at this time is a 2 step process.  First you import the Sales Order ,  like the customer and order number then you import the Sales Order Lines .  Tips for the Sales Order Make sure to include the Is New ...
  7. Mail and Calendar Integration Setup

    Order Time Inventory now integrates with Gmail, Google Calendar, Outlook365 Mail and Outlook Calendar. Here are the set up instructions for the Email and Calendar Integration.
  8. Custom Fields - Sales Order Items - Pick List

    This is a very specific guide to create a pick list for Sales Order Items For the main guide to custom fields, head here . Log into OT as the admin ( or a user with Admin role) Go to the admin panel ( top right corner) Under SETTINGS sel...
  9. Issue a Customer Refund as a Credit

    You need to issue a customer refund as a credit. This can happen for several reasons but lets use the example of a customer paid to much for an item.
  10. Credit Limits Explained

    How are Credit Limits handled in Order Time Inventory?