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  1.  Marketing Video - Haga que su negocio funcione como un reloj

    Software de gestión de inventario y pedidos basado en la nube. ¡Order Time ahora está disponible en español! Mira nuestro blog para más información: https://info.ordertime.com/blog/order-time-spanish-es
  2. Shipping Carrier Account

    Overview In order to ship your products through the software, you need to setup your company's Shipping Carrier Accounts  by obtaining shipping rates from the 3 major carriers: FedEx, UPS and USPS. Adding a Shipping Carrier Account &nbs...
  3. Menus and Links

    Overview The Main Menu is used to access the Home , Sales, Purchasing, Production, Warehouse and Reports pages.  On the home page, you will be able to review scheduled activities for the day and task assigned to you or your team.  ...
  4. Using Quick Build for Work Orders from a Sales Order

    How to use the Quick Build production feature from a Sales Order in Order Time Inventory.
  5.  Training - Creating a Disassembly

    How to create a manufacturing disassembly in Order Time Inventory. Break down your manufactured good into part items.
  6. Duplicating a Sales Order

    How to clone or duplicate a Sales Order in Order Time Inventory.
  7.  Webinar - Label Creation and Barcodes - Tips and Tricks

    Creating label templates, item barcodes, repeating labels, adding contact data to labels and more!
  8. How do you remove apostrophes when you export a list or report.

    To remove the apostrophes when you export a list or report go to Company Preferences = General and CHECK Ignore security escape characters when exporting lists and reports to csv. The security escape character prevents malicious code ru...
  9. Putting a Customer On Hold

    How to put a Customer On Hold in Order Time Inventory
  10. Advanced Security Features

    Some of the most advanced security features for Order Time Inventory.