Updated Articles

  1.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Receiving Purchase Orders

    Here's how to receive your Purchase Orders in Order Time Warehouse, Set the Bins they are going into, attach the Serial or Lot Numbers, and view it all in Order Time Inventory afterwards.
  2.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Ship Docs & Packing

    Here's how to load your Ship Docs in Order Time Warehouse, Pack the Items, set up Packages, and view it all in Order Time Inventory afterwards.
  3.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Sales Orders & Picking

    Using the Sales Order List in Order Time Warehouse and Picking your Items. This creates a Ship Doc in Order Time when you are finished.
  4.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Overview and Preferences

    Showing off a general overview and the preferences included in our Order Time mobile app, Order Time Warehouse.
  5. Order Time and FIFO

    Inventory Value in Order Time is determined using the First In, First Out (FIFO) method with the exception of Items that are tracking Lot / Serial Numbers. First-in-first-out (FIFO): Meaning your costs of sales in determined by cost of the items you purchased the earliest and inventory is comprised of cost of the items you purchased the latest.
  6. Disassembly

    Disassembly Object Disassembly is a transaction involved in the production cycle .     A Disassembly is comprised of the header (Disassembly),  Steps (Work Order Step) and Components (WorkOrderComponent).   Using this end po...
  7. Edit Custom Fields on Closed Documents

    There is now the ability to edit custom fields without have to re-open closed documents.
  8. Wix Integration

    Wix Discover the platform that gives you the freedom to create, design, manage and develop your web presence exactly the way you want. You can connect your Wix to Order Time either from the Wix Apps Marketplace or within Order Time.  Connect...
  9. Google Authenticator - New Two-Factor Authentication

    Google Authenticator is our New Two-Factor Authentication method and you can simply download the authenticator app on your mobile device and use it for authentication on Order Time Inventory.
  10. View your Ticket Dashboard - Order Time Inventory has given you access to the Customer Portal

    How to access and utilize the Order Time Customer Portal for our support ticketing system.