Updated Articles

  1. Adding Attachments

    Attachments are any document or images that you would like to associate with a given entity or transaction .      On the details page of most records types, you will see a tab for Attachments.     An attachment could a...
  2. QuickBooks Desktop Sync Error - Transaction amount must be positive

    How to fix the QuickBooks Desktop sync error that states, "Transaction amount must be positive."
  3. Sales Rep

    Overview A Sales Rep is used to categorize sales by a Sales Person or Customer Service Representative (CSR).    Assigning Sales Reps A Sales Rep must be first assigned to either a Vendor or an   Employee or Other Name.  ...
  4.  Webinar - Advanced Features of Production

    Our webinar from 5/20/2020 about the advanced features of production within Order Time Inventory. Learn how to drill down, flatten and split a work order.
  5. Linked POs and Drop Ship POs

    Overview A special order is a Purchase Order created when there is not enough inventory to fulfill an Order. The Purchase Order (PO) is linked to the Sales Order. This dependency will make one transaction rely on processing the PO. A dependency is...
  6. Adding New Events and Tasks

    Overview An Activity is a way to document an action that will or has occurred by one or more of your users. The primary activities are Event and Task . For example, if you want to remind a sales rep to follow up on an order, you would create a T...
  7. Custom Code, Integrations, and Custom Automation Rules (CAR)

    Order Time Inventory is a highly customizable system that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of our customers. Whether you need custom templates and forms, custom automation rules, or custom integrations, our team is here to help you achieve your goals.
  8. Batch Action

    Performing Batch Actions on Documents, like Changing Statuses, Creating PDFs, and Emailing Documents to Customers.
  9.  Training - Creating a Disassembly

    How to create a manufacturing disassembly in Order Time Inventory. Break down your manufactured good into part items.
  10. Auto Email Customers on Shipping

    Order Time allows you to set up Alerts which can be used to automically email a customer an email template, PDF template and/or CSV template.