Updated Articles

  1.  Video - Order Time Importing

    Our software provides you with an easy-to-use tool that will help import multiple records at the same time using CSV files.
  2.  Training - Importing an Item

    Importing items, fields, and more into Order Time Inventory
  3.  Webinar - Reorder Analysis for Production

    Our webinar from 6/3/2020 about using the reorder analysis forecasting in Order Time to create batches of Work Orders for upcoming required inventory.
  4.  Video - Creating Email Templates

    Order Time allows you to customize email templates to fit your different correspondence needs.
  5.  Video - Sending Emails From Order Time

    This video demonstrates how to send an email from Order Time.
  6.  Webinar - Setting Up Sales Tax

    Learn how to calculate item sales tax, add new sales tax codes, and the recent improvements to tax calculation within Order Time.
  7.  Webinar - Payments Overview & Sending Payment Requests

    Sending payment requests, using the payment list, adding payments, adding payment gateways, and payment methods in Order Time Inventory.
  8.  Webinar - Inventory Locations & Bins

    Locations, inventory transfers, setting up bins, and warehouse inventory considerations for Order Time Inventory.
  9.  Webinar - Label Creation and Barcodes - Tips and Tricks

    Creating label templates, item barcodes, repeating labels, adding contact data to labels and more!
  10.  Webinar - B2B Portal

    Here is the latest webinar about our brand new Order Time B2B Portal which is out now!