Updated Articles

  1.  Video - Using Multiple Units of Measure

    This video describes how use multiple units of measures by setting up unit of measure sets.
  2.  Webinar - Detail Reports

    Creating detail reports in Order Time Inventory. Want an inventory count? Want to sum the total activities in your warehouse? Create a detail report to do just that!
  3.  Webinar - Custom & Calculated Fields

    Create a custom field, add calculations by creating complex inventory formulas, and add custom fields to any page or list in Order Time Inventory.
  4.  Webinar - Label Printing, Barcodes, & Templates

    Creating label templates, enabling label printing, setting up item barcodes, and the supported printers for labeling in Order Time Inventory.
  5.  Webinar - Adding Price Levels & Discounts

    Learn how to add price levels, explaining the types of price levels, adding discounts, and setting company preferences.
  6.  Webinar - Inventory Status Reports

    Learn how to quickly create Inventory Status, Inventory Valuation, and Inventory Velocity reports. Create your own filters, pivot tables and more in Order Time.
  7.  Webinar - Inventory Counts for the New Year

    Live webinar for generating a cycle count, adding or modifying inventory, and checking your available or on-hand items.
  8.  Special Edition Webinar - Order Time - FreightPrint Integration

    Our free webinar on Tuesday, August 18th at 2pm ET about one of our newest integrations with FreightPrint.
  9.  Webinar - Ace Cloud Hosting and NumberCruncher

    Our free webinar on Wednesday, November 18th at 2pm ET about our new partner, Ace Cloud Hosting.
  10.  Video - Getting Started with Order Time

    This video tutorial will guide you on where to get started with Order Time. It will go over Company Settings and show you how to start navigating through the sections available.