Updated Articles

  1. QuickBooks Error Message: Invalid Argument. The Specified Record Does Not Exist In The List

    Solution to QuickBooks Error Message: Invalid Argument. The Specified Record Does Not Exist In The List
  2. QuickBooks Online: New Automated Sales Tax

    How QuickBooks Online Automated Sales Tax works with Order Time Inventory.
  3. The Min Quantity Must Be Less Than The Max Quantity

    Solution to the max quantity error in Order Time Inventory
  4. How to get Sales Order Numbers on QuickBooks Invoices

    How do I get my sales order numbers to show on my QuickBooks invoices? In this article we explain how to map the Sales Order number from Order Time Inventory to your QuickBooks accounting.
  5. Ship address street showing before Company / Name

    Navigate to Company Preferences  - General .  Un-check or check Display Floor/Suite as a separate line  then click Save.   Repeat to change the preference back to the original value.   ...
  6. How do you remove apostrophes when you export a list or report.

    To remove the apostrophes when you export a list or report go to Company Preferences = General and CHECK Ignore security escape characters when exporting lists and reports to csv. The security escape character prevents malicious code ru...
  7. Adding Labor to a Bill of Materials

    Adding labor costs to your bill of materials will provide a more complete cost for the items you produce which in turns enables you to make better pricing decisions.
  8. Service Items on Work Orders

    Issue: If you have a Work Order that has a Service Item as a component and then also complete a linked PO for that same service Item, arent you double accounting that Item?  Solution: No, when a Work Order component is consumed it is te...
  9. The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit.

    Symptoms While attemting to credit a payment you get an error message.  The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit. Cause The original payment has not yet cleared.  Solution Void the original payme...
  10. Error When Viewing Customer - Rentals Tab - This feature is not enabled

    Symptom When viewing a customer or lead,  you get an error 'This feature is not enabled'. Solution Edit the details page layout and make the rental tab invisible.  Confirm, then click Save.  ...