Updated Articles

  1. Trouble with Auto Generate for Lot / Serial Numbers

    When trying to auto generate my Lot / Serial Numbers when filling in the quantity of a Receiver or Sales Order I receive an error.
  2. Exporting a CSV and Opening in Excel is Removing Trailing Zeros

    Exporting a CSV from Order Time and Opening in Excel is Removing Trailing Zeros From Numeric Item names and numbers. How to solve this issue by changing how you utilize Excel.
  3. Printing Forms in Landscape Mode

    Printing forms in landscape mode via Google Chrome on Order Time Inventory.
  4. Printing Forms in Landscape Mode

    Solution Article Problem: I'm having problems printing forms in landscape mode, is there something I should be doing differently? Solution: Printing forms in OT in landscape mode is only supported in Chrome Browser. If you'...
  5. Custom Fields - Sales Order Items - Pick List

    This is a very specific guide to create a pick list for Sales Order Items For the main guide to custom fields, head here . Log into OT as the admin ( or a user with Admin role) Go to the admin panel ( top right corner) Under SETTINGS sel...
  6. Cannot see the custom field I created

    Symptoms You created a custom field (for example an item custom field) but when you go view or edit the record, the field does not appear in the custom tab. Cause You have customized the your page layouts.  Resolution Edit your page l...
  7. Items Names or Numbers

    Learn how to create effective part numbering schemes for your inventory items. Discover best practices for deciding the length, format, and content of your part numbers to ensure scalability and clarity.
  8. Inventory Valuation Methods: Understanding FIFO, LIFO, and WAC

    Learn how to value your inventory correctly to impact your profits and tax liabilities. Explore different valuation methods like FIFO, LIFO, and WAC, and understand their implications on your P&L and balance sheet.
  9. Error 500 A critical Error has occurred

    When opening a details page like a ship doc or an item you may get the following the error Error 500 A critical Error has occurred This error may be caused by the following Deleting a custom field used in the layout The maintenance update o...
  10. ShipStation Error

    Error Message An error occurred attempting to update orders: Error in XML. Reason: The 'Country' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'StringExactly2' - The actual length is less than t...