Updated Articles

  1. No sub of when creating a customer

    Go to accounting integration.   https://app.ordertime.com/accountingintegration Click Disconnect (ignore any error messages it any) Navigate back to accounting integration Click Connect and allow Order Time to access QuickBooks.  C...
  2. Error - Proxy is Required

    Go to accounting integration.   https://app.ordertime.com/accountingintegration Click Disconnect (ignore any error messages it any) Navigate back to accounting integration Click Connect and allow Order Time to access QuickBooks.  C...
  3. Why is my Order Time Quantity different from my QuickBooks Quantity?

    Why is my Order Time Quantity different from my QuickBooks Quantity?
  4. QuickBooks: The currency of the account must be either in home currency or the transaction currency

    Issue When we send an invoice to QuickBooks, by default we do not specify the account receivable associated with it. When this happens QuickBooks tries to use the same account that was used on the most recently entered document of the same type. ...
  5. QuickBooks Online Sync - Journal Entries only

    Order Time now has the ability to add a preference to your file that would allow Order Time to sync just the Journal Entries of a transaction to QuickBooks Online.
  6. Invoice Date in QuickBooks

    Invoice Date in Accounting Integration Settings is by default set to the Posting Date which is the date the ship doc's status was changed to Shipped.   If you want to use the Ship Doc Date instead,  check -   Use Ship Doc&...
  7. QuickBooks Online Issue: Error: You can’t create or modify a transaction with a date that comes before you started tracking quantity on hand

    To resolve this issue you will need to select a transaction date that comes before the date you started tracking the quantity on hand of these inventory items. Here are the necessary steps to correct this issue:  1. Navigate to the Products ...
  8. QBO Sync Error: How to know which Vendor/Customer/Item is causing a sync error using the Intuit ID.

    If you receive sync errors between Order Time and QB Online that are related to a Vendor/Customer/Item and it displays the Intuit ID such as in the example below, you can find which entity is causing the error by using that Intuit ID displayed.&nb...
  9. Order Time and QuickBooks Have Different Inventory Values

    Troubleshooting Issue: Order Time and QuickBooks Have Different Inventory Values
  10. QBO Discounts and Accounts

    In Order Time there is a place to add an account however QBO discount box does not actually use accounts whereas QuickBook desktop does.   We are actively seeking a permanent solution however you can work around this issue as follows.  ...