Updated Articles

  1. Importing Item Images

    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the steps taken to import item images. The best way to import images for your items would be with Web Resources. To import your item images you will use the import function found in the admin panel of your Order Time file. You will want to create a CSV file containing the item name, that it is a web resource and the web address of the item image.
  2. Why can't I add customer types in Order Time?

    Are you trying to add customer types in Order Time but you can not find the option?
  3. Additional Fees

    There is a feature in Order Time call Additional Fees. This article is designed to show you how to utilize them.
  4. Creating a New Disassembly

    Overview  In any production environment, particularly for for-stock manufacturers, job shops, and custom-build retailers, occasionally you will have an order cancellation or return that will necessitate breaking an Item back down into its base comp...
  5. Ship Doc

    Ship Doc Object Ship Doc is a transaction involved in the sales cycle.     Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Ship Doc) and one or more Line Items (ShipDocLineItem).  ShipDocLineItem may optionally include one or mode Deta...
  6. Xero Accounting - Integration & Syncing

    Setting up Xero with Order Time Inventory and starting the first sync.
  7. Issue a Customer Refund as a Credit

    You need to issue a customer refund as a credit. This can happen for several reasons but lets use the example of a customer paid to much for an item.
  8. Feature Requests

    Were you told your question/suggestion would be added as a Feature Request?
  9. Removing Quantity from a Ship Doc

    This article explains how to remove quantity off of a Ship Doc when that Ship Doc has Lot / Serial Number Tracking.
  10. Cycle Count Quantities

    This article is to help better explain how the quantities work on a Cycle Count.