Updated Articles

  1. All Orders Mobile - Activation and Preferences

    Setting up the preferences and activating All Orders Mobile for barcode scanning in Order Time.
  2. Splitting a Work Order

    If you have already completed at least one assembly, you can split off the remaining unfinished assemblies into a new Work Order so that you can bill for the ones you've already produced.
  3. Drill Down a Work Order

    The Drill Down feature makes it easy to create work orders for your sub-assemblies. It is very helpful for multi-level Bill of Materials.
  4. Closing a Sales Order

    A sales order is closed when all the line items are cleared as indicated by the Cleared column.   There are 2 ways to clear a line item.  When ship docs are created with quantities equal to or greater than the sales order quantity ordered; or By...
  5. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value

    When opening a record (item, customer, vendor) you may get the following errors.  This error is known issue and will be addressed asap.   Please try again in a few minutes.  ...
  6. Importing New Sales Orders

    Importing sales orders at this time is a 2 step process.  First you import the Sales Order ,  like the customer and order number then you import the Sales Order Lines .  Tips for the Sales Order Make sure to include the Is New column and set ...
  7. Preparing the Import File

    Overview Your import file has columns that are specific to the List that you are going to use. To ensure that the import file will contain the correct set of columns, you need to export the list into your CSV viewer/editor.  The steps for prepa...
  8. Import Fields

    Overview This section contains a list of fields for each import record type in the Import tool.   Each record type contains fields where information are stored. Fields can be mandatory (required) or non-mandatory. Taking note of the mandatory fiel...
  9. Importing

    Overview Our software provides you with an easy to use tool that will help import multiple records at the same time using CSV files. To access the Import function, click on the Gear icon (near the upper-right corner of the screen).  Under General,...
  10.  Import - Overview

    Overview Importing is an efficient way of migrating a large amount of data into the system and streamlining your data. The Import tool provides you the capability of transferring data to the system from a spreadsheet instead of entering each item m...