Updated Articles

  1. How do I look up the Lot or Serial numbers that were used in the Assembly that I have already shipped?

    You can use the Inventory Movement Detail Report by Bin to see those lot/serial #s used to make the Assembly.
  2. Nested Bill of Materials vs. Steps

    Overview One of the decisions you will have to make is how to design your bill of materials particularly if you have multiple-production steps or sub-assemblies.  Nested Bill of Materials VS. Steps The basic option are: Includ...
  3. Tracking Production done by 3rd Party Vendor/Supplier

    Learn how to track outsourcing processes with Bill of Materials for Assembly Items in Order Time. Follow these steps to create locations, steps, and allocations for sending inventory to a 3rd party vendor and receiving it back when the work is completed.
  4. Move line is no longer visible

    In order to sort / move lines on a sales order or quote, the 'View Type' must be set to 'Matrix View'   ...
  5. How to avoid creating and paying a bill twice?

    There may be times in your daily operations were you may be creating a Purchase Order in Order Time and paying for the bill prior to you receiving the items.   When you have this type of scenario you want to make sure that you are paying you...
  6. Associate Purchase Orders to Sales Orders

    A Linked PO is when you link a purchase order with a sales order.    One way of doing this is directly from the sales order .   At other times you will want to do this directly on the Purchase Order for multiple sales orders. &nb...
  7. Record Types

    Record Types A Record Type defines the nature of a record. Customers  and Sales Orders are examples of Record Types. Each Record Type has one or more Properties,  also known as Fields. Properties will generally be things such as num...
  8. When running the Reorder Analysis, why is my required quantity not showing up?

    When running the Reorder Analysis, why is my required quantity not showing up? When creating a Reorder Analysis in Order Time, the time horizon that is selected allows you project for a certain time range in months or weeks. Based on that time h...
  9. Validation Exception was thrown. Details:Business Validation Error: Unexpected user error. ( -12476 )

    Overview An error on the sync log reads: "Validation Exception was thrown.Details:Business Validation Error: Unexpected user error. ( -12476 )" Cause / Solution Cause: This error is caused by having a Preferred Vendor set to ...
  10. The Given Object ID in the Field is Invalid

    If you receive a sync error that reads: The Given Object ID in the Field is Invalid Then this article is for you.