New Articles

  1. Item Image

    Item Image Object End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /itemimage GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. PUT cannot be used to change the file.  If this is the intention, &nbs...
  2. Attachment

    Attachment Object End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /attachment GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. PUT cannot be used to change the file.  If this is the intention, ...
  3. Task

    Task Object The Task is a type of Activity   in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /task GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Properties Proper...
  4. Version 1.0.31

    Release Notes for Version 1.0.31 of Order Time Inventory
  5. Creating an External Repair Order

    Creating an Internal Repair Order to fix Items returned by Customers.
  6. Creating an Internal Repair Order

    Creating an Internal Repair Order to fix Items in your Inventory.
  7. Enabling Repair Orders and Setting Repair Preferences

    Enabling Repair Orders, setting preferences, and getting your company set up to do Repairs.
  8. Advanced Security Features

    Some of the most advanced security features for Order Time Inventory.
  9. Sales Order Allocation

    The complete guide to Sales Order Allocation in Order Time Inventory.
  10. Payment Gateway - Stripe

    Setting up the Stripe Payment Gateway with Order Time Inventory.