New Articles

  1. Version 1.0.30

    Release Notes for Version 1.0.30 of Order Time Inventory
  2. Webinar - Tips for a Strong Sales Cycle

    Our free webinar on Wednesday, April 7th at 2pm ET to flex your sales muscle in Order Time Inventory.
  3. My Count Timed Out and Adjustment Did Not Close

    The cause of an Order Time Count timing out maybe just that the number of items are to large. The adjustment is still running in the background so be patient.
  4. Item Sales Tax - QuickBooks Online

    When you are syncing Order Time with QuickBooks Online you must manage your Item Sales Taxes in QuickBooks Online.
  5. Webinar - Customer & Vendor Returns

    View on YouTube Webinar Follow-Up: Customer & Vendor Returns The webinar video is up! Check it out here Download the Slide Deck (PDF) In this webinar you will learn about the...
  6. Webinar - Performing a Production Disassembly

    View on YouTube Notes from the latest webinar on Performing a Production Disassembly The webinar video is up! Check it out here Download the Slide Deck (PDF) In this webinar you ...
  7. Vendor Return

    Vendor Return Object Vendor Return is the opposite of a Receiver.    Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Receiver) and one or more Line Items (ReceiverLineItem).  ReceiverLineItem may optionally include one or mor...
  8. B2B - Cart List

    Customers who are utilizing the Business to Business (B2B) portal have the ability to add items to their shopping cart. How would you see this as an Order Time account holder?
  9. Location

    Location Object The Location is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /location GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Properties ...
  10. Why are charts not updating?

    Did you make changes to a report that is directly connected to a Chart or Graph in Order Time and are not seeing the changes reflected in the Chart or Graph?