New Articles

  1. Webinar - QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Online, Which Should I Use?

    Webinar from February 10th at 2pm ET about important accounting integration choices. Tim Grant is a QuickBooks Solution Provider specializing in Inventory, Manufacturing, and Transportation.
  2. Order Time - Revision Numbers and Documents

    A common question we receive is what is the relation between the Revision number and the document. An example would be looking at a Sales Order List, Ship Doc List, Work Order List, etc ... and adding the Revision column what does that number represent.
  3. Xero Error: Token not valid

    Did you receive an error when attempting a sync that read: Error: Unexpected Exception = oauth_problem=token_rejected&oauth_problem_advice=The%20access%20token%20is%20not%20valid This article will explain what that error is and how to resolve it.
  4. Importing a count with Lot / Serial Numbers

    The most common practice for updating a count is to import you CSV back into Order Time with the updated counts of each of the items. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the method required to update the count of items that track Lot / Serial Numbers.
  5. Order Time Mobile - Releasing Sales Orders

    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to "Release" a sales order from your Mobile Device.
  6. Importing Item Images

    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the steps taken to import item images. The best way to import images for your items would be with Web Resources. To import your item images you will use the import function found in the admin panel of your Order Time file. You will want to create a CSV file containing the item name, that it is a web resource and the web address of the item image.
  7. Order Time - Exporting Lists

    Most often you will want to export a list to make updates to the profiles of the Item, Customers or Vendors. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to export your lists of information. Whether it be your Items, Customers, Vendors, Etc ....
  8. Why can't I add customer types in Order Time?

    Are you trying to add customer types in Order Time but you can not find the option?
  9. Additional Fees

    There is a feature in Order Time call Additional Fees. This article is designed to show you how to utilize them.
  10. Webinar - Important Reports for the New Year

    Video from our free webinar on Wednesday, January 13th at 2pm ET about the features inventory reports to use for the new year!