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  1. Sorting Line Items

    Sorting line items on an order in Order Time Inventory.
  2. Warranty Type

    Overview Warranty Types can be setup and later on assigned to items that are being shipped on ship docs and reviewed if the item ever comes. Use these to track the warranty and length a customer gets when shipping an item. Create a Warran...
  3. Payment Gateway - USAePay

    Setting up the USAePay Payment Gateway with Order Time Inventory.
  4.  Order Time Mobile - [VIDEO] Ship Docs & Packing

    Here's how to load your Ship Docs in Order Time Warehouse, Pack the Items, set up Packages, and view it all in Order Time Inventory afterwards.
  5. QuickBooks Payment Sync Error: Object specified in the request cannot be found

    How to resolve this QuickBooks Sync Error with Payments, when you see the error: Object specified in the request cannot be found.
  6. Closing Open Orders

    To do this the Sales Order or Purchase Order may have its status set to Voided, which will clear the remaing open line Items and then change the status to Closed automatically. To shorten this process there is a button to Close linked Sales Orders on the Ship Doc or Receiver.
  7. List Columns

    Overview The Column  Section lets you add and remove what columns are shown on the current screen. Modifying a Column To modify your  Lists Column click on the Gear icon on the Child List on the desired record (Sales Order, Ship Doc, Custome...
  8. Creating a Kit

    Overview Kits  are used to sell a group of items together. A kit is different than an assembly in that the Kit itself is not an item, whereas the assembly is an item . In other words, when you ship a kit, you are actually shipping the individual ...
  9. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value

    When opening a record (item, customer, vendor) you may get the following errors.  This error is known issue and will be addressed asap.   Please try again in a few minutes.  ...
  10. Editors

    Overview In order to add new or edit existing records we use Editors . The major Entities and Transactions have their own Editors while " Child" entities have   Pop-Up editors, accessed from its " Parent's " Details page.  Create New Records ...