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  1. Refund

    Refund Object Refund are applied to either a Payment or  Customer Return. Generally a payment is taken on a sales order. There are 2 scenarios You never shipped the order, then you should apply the refund to the payment then change the statu...
  2. Payment Sync Error - Amount applied is greater than payment or refund amount

    Order Time payment sync error indicating that the amount applied is greater than payment or refund amount.
  3. Attachment

    Attachment Object End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /attachment GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. PUT cannot be used to change the file.  If this is the intention, ...
  4. Adding Attachments

    Attachments are any document or images that you would like to associate with a given entity or transaction .      On the details page of most records types, you will see a tab for Attachments.     An attachment could a...
  5.  Webinar - Performing a Production Disassembly

    View on YouTube Notes from the latest webinar on Performing a Production Disassembly The webinar video is up! Check it out here Download the Slide Deck (PDF) In this webinar you ...
  6. Receiver Allocation

    Receiver Allocation enables you to allocate Items directly from a Receiver to Open Sales Orders and Work Orders.
  7. QuickBooks Error: Validation Exception was thrown. Duplicate Document Number Error

    Issue: Accounting Sync Error that states -  Validation Exception was thrown. Duplicate Document Number Error Solution: Delete the Invoice AND the Journal Entry and Resync This usually happens when you have manually synced your Ship Do...
  8.  Webinar - Ace Cloud Hosting and NumberCruncher

    Our free webinar on Wednesday, November 18th at 2pm ET about our new partner, Ace Cloud Hosting.
  9. Company Preferences - Mail and Calendar Integration

    Mail and Calendar Integration Here you can enable and disable the Mail and or Calendar integration Checking the box will enable the integration Leaving it unchecked will disable the integration ...
  10. Inactive Data in QuickBooks and Order Time

    Issue I made something inactive in QuickBooks but it still shows up in Order Time. Correlation If data is made inactive directly in QuickBooks, Order Time may lose access to that now inactive data and not be able to communicate the fact that i...