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  1. Company Preferences - Mobile

    Mobile Preferences Activate Checking this box will activate or enable the Order Time Mobile application Leaving unchecked will disable Order Time Mobile ...
  2.  Webinar - Release 1.0.31 Features + Q&A

    Here is our latest webinar from 11/17/2021 to go over the other new features in Order Time's new release, 1.0.31.
  3. Vendor Return

    Vendor Return Object Vendor Return is the opposite of a Receiver.    Like all transactions it is comprised of a Doc portion (Receiver) and one or more Line Items (ReceiverLineItem).  ReceiverLineItem may optionally include one or mor...
  4. Swapping from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online While Tracking Inventory

    Introduction As more businesses transition from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online, there's an increasing need to ensure that the inventory tracking process remains seamless and efficient. This article will provide valuable insights and gu...
  5. QuickBooks Error : Parsing the provided XML Stream

    An error on the sync log reads " QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream"
  6. QuickBooks: The currency of the account must be either in home currency or the transaction currency

    Issue When we send an invoice to QuickBooks, by default we do not specify the account receivable associated with it. When this happens QuickBooks tries to use the same account that was used on the most recently entered document of the same type. ...
  7.  Webinar - New Features in Version 1.0.29 + Open Q&A

    Webinar Follow-Up: New Features in Version 1.0.29 + Open Q&A. Our free webinar on 12/9/2020 about the newest features in our release.
  8. B2B Portal - Object Reference Error

    Issue: While testing and configuring the B2B Portal I am receiving an Object Reference Error Solution: You need to prime your Sales Order, Ship Doc, and Email Form Templates for use in the portal For the time being any form templates you as...
  9. After Update to QuickBooks the Sync tool no longer seems to be working

    The sync between Order Time and QuickBooks Desktop through the sync tool is not working after an update to QuickBooks Desktop. The issue can be spotted by noticing the sync tool will crash when trying to connect to QB.
  10. See Can Make for Assemblies and Kits on Sales Orders

    Overview When adding Assembly or Kit Items to Sales Orders you need to see how many Assemblies or Kits you can build. Solution Add the Can Make to the Sales Order Line Items. Below you can see a Sales Order that has one Assembly item and one Kit...