New Articles

  1. Service Item

    Service Item Object Service Part Item is a type of Item.   Item is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /serviceitem GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect par...
  2. Part Item

    Part Item Object Part Item is a type of Item.   Item is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /partitem GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of t...
  3. Other Charge Item

    Other Charge Item Object Other Charge Item is a type of Item.   Item is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /otherchargeitem GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests e...
  4. Non Part Item

    Non Part Item Object Non Part Item is a type of Item.   Item is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /nonpartitem GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parame...
  5. Lead

    Lead Object The Lead   is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /lead GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Converting a Lead ...
  6. Customer

    Customer Object The Customer is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /customer GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Properties ...
  7. CustomerAddress

    Customer Address Object Customer Address is a Child object of Customer and Lead .   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /customeraddress GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameters customerId AND i...
  8. Contact

    Contact Object Contact is a Child object of Customer and Lead .   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /contact GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect parameter id of type Int32. Top Properties Pr...
  9. Assembly Item

    Assembly Item Object Assembly Item is a type of Item.   Item is a primary record type in Order Time.   End Point Properties Json Sample End Point /assemblyitem GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET and DELETE requests expect param...
  10. Enums

    Enums RecordTypeEnum DataTypeEnum FilterOpEnum DateMacroEnum SortDirEnum SendMethodEnum AllowShipPartialEnum PriorityEnum ActionTypeEnum RecordTypeEnum Caption Value Adjustment 1 Receiver 2 Work Order ...