Updated Articles

  1. Company Preferences Overview

    Overview The Company Preferences under the Admin function allows you to set up specific settings that will effect functions for each of your software commands. Setting Up Company Preferences The Company Preference page is broken up into section...
  2. All Orders Mobile Overview

    Overview All Orders Mobile is a warehouse scanning tool on which you can: Pick Sales Orders Receive Purchase Orders Count Inventory Find, adjust and transfer inventory. All Orders Mobile will make your warehouse operations more efficient. Al...
  3. Bin and Lot or Serial No Quantity Import

    Bin and Lot or Serial No. Quantity Import Bin and Lot or Serial No Quantity Import is the way to assign specific quantities for bins and lot or serial numbers to any transaction.   For items that have Track Lot or Serial number checked, you will...
  4. Version 1.0.32

    Release Notes for Version 1.0.32 of Order Time Inventory
  5. Vendor RFQ - Request for Quote

    How to create a Vendor RFQ in Order Time Inventory to request vendor quotes for Items you're selling.
  6. Global Search

    Order Time now has the much requested Global Search function. Here you will be able to search for any record in Order Time and be presented with the related result options
  7. Quick BOM Report

    Assembly Items added to Quotes or Sales Orders have an option to view the Quick BOM Report which will show the Components and their basic Inventory Statuses.
  8. Creating a Reorder Analysis for Production

    The Production Reorder Analysis is a tool in Order Time that analyzes data and aggregates all the unfilled Assembly Items from Approved SOs within the Time horizon selected allowing you to create a single combined work order for items that exist on multiple Sales Orders. Depending on your business requirements, running a Reorder Analysis can be periodically or every day.
  9. Tracking Number on Ship Docs

    Adding shipping tracking numbers to Ship Docs in Order Time.
  10. Recalculate Pricing on Sales Order

    If a Customer has its price level updated and there is an open Sales Order there is a way to force the prices of the Items to update accordingly.